
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for being here.

I like to write a lot. Mostly about powerlifting, strength training, body image + women in sport. They’re kinda my things.

If you ever have questions or want to learn more, please reach out. I would love to hear from you.

Billie x

Persevering in Powerlifting & Navigating Low Motivation
powerlifting, strength training, health, Blog Billie Asprey powerlifting, strength training, health, Blog Billie Asprey

Persevering in Powerlifting & Navigating Low Motivation

I’ll be the first person to tell you that my love for lifting has been tested at times; that showing up has gotten hard, many times over. But even so, I have consistently resistance trained for over ten years now. A few breaks for travel, but otherwise 3-4 days per week for the last ten years.

I’ve not always trained extremely hard, I’ve not always trained for a heap of hours at a time, and lifting has not always been overly salient in my life, but I’ve always showed up. And because of that fact I have continued to improve — improve my skill, improve my strength and improve my toughness in persevering through those harder periods.

There are a few tools, strategies and trains of thought that I’ve adopted over the years to stop me from losing my mind when I feel like I’m falling out of love with lifting. Right now I’m feeling pretty disenchanted with training. That’s been the case for a few months now. But never do I catastrophise and think that my powerlifting career is coming to an end; and never do I throw in the towel and stop training altogether. Here is what helps me with that.

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