
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for being here.

I like to write a lot. Mostly about powerlifting, strength training, body image + women in sport. They’re kinda my things.

If you ever have questions or want to learn more, please reach out. I would love to hear from you.

Billie x

Life Trade Offs
Blog, Nutrition, Health, Travel Billie Asprey Blog, Nutrition, Health, Travel Billie Asprey

Life Trade Offs

Trade offs need to be discussed more, particularly so at this time of year when we’re evaluating our lives, setting goals, making changes for the year ahead. Your time and energy is finite. In order to do more of something, you have to do less of something else.

When I’ve spoken about trade offs previously, and realistically when anyone in health and fitness talks about trade offs, they do so through the lens of achieving some sort of health/fitness goal. If you want to lose weight, you need to trade off some take out meals. If you want to get stronger, you need to pass on some time with friends to spend more time in the gym, etc etc.

I want to talk about trade offs through an alternate lens. This is where I’m at in my life right now.

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Should I Cut Weight For My First Competition?

Should I Cut Weight For My First Competition?

Anytime anyone considers their first powerlifting competition one of the questions they are most plagued with early on is which weight class to enter. At a local level (which is what your first competition will be), the weight class you register for literally does not matter. IE, if I register for the 67.5kg weight class, but on the day I weigh in at 68.0kg, it bears no implication. I will simply be entered in to the weight class above (75kg).

But Billie, won’t you be less competitive in that weight class? Well yeah, but also, not important. Or at least, this is much less important than a stack of other factors that I consider in the context of a first competition.

So should I cut weight for my first competition? My answer to this question will almost always be no. Here’s why.

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